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Evolution Figures: Chapter 28

Click on the links below to view the figures.

FIGURE 28.0. Hardy–Weinberg distribution (jpg) (pdf)

FIGURE 28.1. Two ways theory is used in evolutionary biology (jpg) (pdf)

FIGURE 28.2. Populations and change (jpg) (pdf)

FIGURE 28.3. Results of a mating between two types that differ at ten genes (jpg) (pdf)

FIGURE 28.4. The exponential function ex has a slope equal to its value (jpg) (pdf)

FIGURE 28.5. The inverse of the exponential function is the natural logarithm (jpg) (pdf)

FIGURE 28.6. Difference in fitness between alleles, the allele frequency P, and population size (jpg) (pdf)

FIGURE 28.7. A differential equation is a good approximation to a discrete recursion when change is gradual (jpg) (pdf)

FIGURE 28.8. Plot of s(dt/dp) = 1/pq, the rate of time against allele frequency (jpg) (pdf)

FIGURE 28.9. Plot of the integral of 1/pq (jpg) (pdf)

FIGURE 28.10. Domains of attraction and stable limit cycle (jpg) (pdf)

FIGURE 28.11. Adaptive dynamics (jpg) (pdf)

FIGURE 28.12. When heterozygotes have a selective advantage s over either homozygote (jpg) (pdf)

FIGURE 28.13. How populations converge on the stable equilibrium (jpg) (pdf)

FIGURE 28.14. Direction of selection when different alleles are favored in different demes (jpg) (pdf)

FIGURE 28.15. Solving the equation p1q1 = M(q1p1) (jpg) (pdf)

FIGURE 28.16. Brownian motion (jpg) (pdf)

FIGURE 28.17. Probability distribution fi, cumulative distribution Fi, probability density f(x), and cumulative distribution F(x) (jpg) (pdf)

FIGURE 28.18. Exponentially distributed variables have a wide range (jpg) (pdf)

FIGURE 28.19. European heat wave of summer 2003 (jpg) (pdf)

FIGURE 28.20. A branching process leads to a broadly spread distribution (jpg) (pdf)

FIGURE 28.21. Probability that a gene will leave no descendants (jpg) (pdf)

FIGURE 28.22. Probability of ultimate extinction can be found graphically (jpg) (pdf)

FIGURE 28.23. Galton’s quincunx (jpg) (pdf)

FIGURE 28.24. Distribution of the sum of several independent random variables converges to a normal (Gaussian) distribution (jpg) (pdf)

FIGURE 28.25. Solutions to the basic diffusion equation, dψ/dt = σ2d2ψ/dx2 (jpg) (pdf)

FIGURE 28.26. Diffusion approximation is derived using a Taylor’s series (jpg) (pdf)

FIGURE 28.27. Distribution of allele frequencies under migration, selection, and drift (jpg) (pdf)


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